Traditional marketing

Television advertisement on Focus WTV in West Flanders, Belgium

The power of the classics

Traditional marketing refers to the use of traditional mediums, such as print, broadcast, and outdoor advertising, to promote a product or service. It is a broad category that encompasses a wide range of tactics and channels, including display advertising, print advertising, broadcast advertising, radio advertising, social media advertising, television advertising, and outdoor advertising.

Maximizing ROI with
Traditional Marketing

Traditional marketing is not just about creating ads, but also about understanding your target audience and their needs, and creating a story that aligns with your business goals. Our team will work closely with you to understand your business, identify opportunities for growth, and create a plan to achieve your goals through traditional marketing.

proven results with

display advertising

Using online platforms, such as websites and social media, to display ads and promote a product or service.

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print advertisement

Using print mediums, such as newspapers and magazines, to advertise a product or service.

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broadcast advertising

Using television or radio to advertise a product or service.

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radio advertisement

Using radio to advertise a product or service.

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social media advertisement

Using social media platforms, such as Facebook, Instagram, and Twitter, to advertise a product or service.

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television advertising

Using television to advertise a product or service.

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analytics & reporting

Collecting and analyzing data on the effectiveness of traditional marketing campaigns, and using this information to adjust and optimize future campaigns.

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optimization & adjustment

Making adjustments to traditional marketing campaigns based on data and analytics to improve performance and achieve desired results.

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outdoor advertising

Promoting using outdoor spaces like billboards and bus shelters. Aims to reach a wide audience & create a memorable impression.

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Creative Agency Bypicknick

Classic marketing is not just about creating ads, but also about understanding your target audience and their needs, and creating a story that aligns with your business goals.

Get in touch with Bypicknick today to discuss how we can help you develop and execute a successful campaign.